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Create, Update and Connect your Pools

Building on top of the Superfluid's Distribution Pools protocol involves interacting with Super Tokens. Remember, Superfluid is a token-centric protocol, and all of the primitives are centered around Super Tokens. Distribution Pools allow for scalable and efficient one-to-many token distributions at a fixed gas cost.

When interacting with Super Tokens on-chain, you can use the Superfluid's SuperTokenV1Library to access the core functions.

About the General Distributions Agreement

At times, we use "Distribution Pools" or the "General Distributions Agreement" (GDA) interchangeably. The GDA is the name of the implementation in our codebase. If you are interested in the technical details, you can find the full Superfluid Architecture here.

Importance of Distribution Pools

Distribution Pools are at the core of Superfluid's functionality, enabling a multitude of applications such as subscription services, salary payments, and rewards distribution. They are designed to be flexible, allowing for both instant and streaming distributions.

  • Instant Distributions: Allow for a one-time distribution of a specified amount of tokens to all members of a pool instantly.
  • Streaming Distributions: Enable a continuous flow of tokens to pool members over time.
About Pools

The same pool can be used to distribute any Super Token, be it for Instant or Streaming Distributions.

Key Functions of SuperTokenV1Library.sol

SuperTokenV1Library.sol provides several functions to interact with pools and distributions:


function createPool(contract ISuperToken token,address admin,struct PoolConfig poolConfig) internal returns (contract ISuperfluidPool pool)

Creates a new Superfluid Distribution Pool.


function updateMemberUnits( contract ISuperToken token, contract ISuperfluidPool pool, address memberAddress, uint128 newUnits) internal returns (bool)

Updates the units of a pool member.


function distributeFlow(ISuperToken token, address from, ISuperfluidPool pool, int96 requestedFlowRate) internal returns (bool)

Initiates a distribution flow from a sender to a pool with the specified flow rate.


Keep in mind that the total amount of units in the pool needs to be significantly lower than the total flow rate or the total tokens distributed of the pool. To understand more why this is the case, please refer to the Member Units section.


function connectPool( contract ISuperToken token, contract ISuperfluidPool pool) internal returns (bool)

Connects a pool member to pool.

About Pool Connections

Learn more about claiming units and connecting to pools in the How to design your pools section.


function getFlowDistributionFlowRate(ISuperToken token, address from, ISuperfluidPool to) internal view returns (int96)

Gets the flow rate of a distribution from a sender to a pool.


function isMemberConnected(ISuperToken token, address pool, address member) internal view returns (bool)

Checks whether a member is connected to a pool and eligible to receive distributions.

Contract Example

Here's a simple contract example using some of the functions from SuperTokenV1Library.sol to interact with distributions:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;

import "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/superfluid/SuperTokenV1Library.sol";

contract MyDistributionsContract {
using SuperTokenV1Library for ISuperToken;

ISuperToken private _superToken;

constructor(ISuperToken superToken) {
_superToken = superToken;

function estimateDistribution(ISuperfluidPool pool, uint256 amount) public {
_superToken.estimateDistributionActualAmount(address(this), pool, amount);
// Additional logic for distribution

function startStreamingDistribution(ISuperfluidPool pool, int96 flowRate) public {
_superToken.distributeFlow(address(this), pool, flowRate);
// Additional logic for streaming distribution

This contract demonstrates how to use the SuperTokenV1Library in order to interact with Distribution Pools.


When using the SuperTokenV1Library.sol, you don't need to include the SuperToken as a parameter in your method call. Simply call SuperToken.[Method] and the library will handle the rest.

Further Reading

For more detailed information on the implementation and usage of SuperTokenV1Library.sol, refer to the SuperTokenV1Library Technical reference.