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Super Tokens (SDK)

The SuperToken class in the Superfluid SDK Core allows for various operations like basic transfers, approvals, token wrapping & unwrapping. It also facilitates interactions with the CFAV1 and IDAV1 contracts. This guide explains how to initialize and use the SuperToken class.

Framework Based Initialization

Importing and Initializing the Framework

import { Framework } from "@superfluid-finance/sdk-core";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const provider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider("matic", "<INFURA_API_KEY>");

const sf = await Framework.create({
networkName: "matic",

const usdcx = await sf.loadSuperToken("0xCAa7349CEA390F89641fe306D93591f87595dc1F");

Direct Initialization

Importing and Initializing SuperToken Directly

import { SuperToken } from "@superfluid-finance/sdk-core";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const provider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider("matic", "<INFURA_API_KEY>");

const config = {
hostAddress: "0x3E14dC1b13c488a8d5D310918780c983bD5982E7",
cfaV1Address: "0x6EeE6060f715257b970700bc2656De21dEdF074C",
idaV1Address: "0xB0aABBA4B2783A72C52956CDEF62d438ecA2d7a1"

const usdcx = await SuperToken.create({
address: "0xCAa7349CEA390F89641fe306D93591f87595dc1F",
networkName: "matic",

SuperToken Functions

Read and Write Operations

const usdcx = await sf.loadSuperToken("0xCAa7349CEA390F89641fe306D93591f87595dc1F");

// ERC20 Token Read Functions
await usdcx.balanceOf(/* parameters */);
await usdcx.allowance(/* parameters */);
await* parameters */);
await usdcx.symbol(/* parameters */);
await usdcx.totalSupply(/* parameters */);

// ERC20 Token Write Operations
usdcx.approve(/* parameters */);
usdcx.transfer(/* parameters */);
usdcx.transferFrom(/* parameters */);

// SuperToken only Read Function
await usdcx.realtimeBalanceOf(/* parameters */);

// SuperToken Write Operations
usdcx.downgrade(/* parameters */);
usdcx.upgrade(/* parameters */);

// SuperToken CFAV1/IDAV1 Functions
// Equivalent to ConstantFlowAgreementV1/InstantDistributionAgreementV1 class functions
// e.g., await usdcx.createIndex(/* parameters */).exec(signer);

Example Usage

Reading and Writing Super Token Operations

import { Framework } from "@superfluid-finance/sdk-core";
import { ethers } from "ethers";

const provider = new ethers.providers.InfuraProvider("matic", "<INFURA_API_KEY>");

const sf = await Framework.create({
networkName: "matic",

const usdcx = await sf.loadSuperToken("0xCAa7349CEA390F89641fe306D93591f87595dc1F");

// Read example
const name = await;

// Write operation example
const signer = sf.createSigner({ privateKey: "<TEST_ACCOUNT_PRIVATE_KEY>", provider });
const transferOperation = usdcx.transfer({ receiver: "0x...", amount: "1000000" });
const txnResponse = await transferOperation.exec(signer);
const txnReceipt = await txnResponse.wait();


For operations like approving token spend prior to upgrading, you can access the underlying ERC20 Token object:

const usdc = usdcx.underlyingToken;
const totalSupply = await usdc.totalSupply();

This guide covers the initialization and usage of the SuperToken class in the Superfluid SDK Core, demonstrating both framework-based and direct initialization methods, along with examples of read and write operations.