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Superfluid is a token-centric protocol revolving around a new token standard called Super Token. Super Tokens have special capabilities. One of them allows to create second-by-second token transfers (called Money Streaming). In this guide, we'll walk through the process of setting up and deploying a basic vesting contract which deploys a Mock Super Token and creates a stream to a recipient.

This contract allows you to:

  • Deploy a Mock Super Token
  • Create, update or delete money streams (flows)
Why this Quickstart?

This is just an example to get you started with Superfluid. You can use this as a base to build more complex applications.

You DO NOT need to follow this quickstart guide in order to create, update and delete streams. You can do this directly from the Dashboard or by interacting with the CFAv1Forwarder contract.


Contract Overview: SuperfluidBoilerplate

In this guide we will describe the contract SuperfluidVesting.sol:

  • This contract is designed to interact with the Superfluid protocol, specifically to deploy a Super Token and use Money Streaming.
  • The contract enables the deployment of a Mock Super Token in the constructor.
  • This contract enables the creation, modification, and deletion of continuous money streams to the a recipient.

Visualization showing the vesting contract streaming tokens to users

Contract and Key Functions

Click here to show SuperfluidBoilerplate contract

// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import {SuperTokenV1Library, ISuperToken, ISuperfluid} from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/apps/SuperTokenV1Library.sol";
import {ISuperTokenFactory} from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/interfaces/superfluid/ISuperTokenFactory.sol";
import {PureSuperTokenProxy, IPureSuperToken} from "./PureSuperToken.sol";

/// @title SuperfluidVesting
/// @notice A contract for managing token vesting using Superfluid streams
/// @dev Uses SuperTokenV1Library for handling Superfluid token operations
contract SuperfluidVesting {
using SuperTokenV1Library for ISuperToken;

/// @notice The Super Token that will be used for vesting
ISuperToken public acceptedSuperToken;
/// @notice The Superfluid protocol host contract
ISuperfluid public host;
/// @notice The address of the contract owner
address public owner;

/// @notice Restricts function access to contract owner
modifier onlyOwner() {
require(msg.sender == owner, "Only owner can call this function");

/// @notice Initializes the vesting contract
/// @param _host The address of the Superfluid host contract
/// @dev Assigns the host and owner addresses
/// Creates a new PureSuperToken and initializes it with mock data
/// Mints the total supply of the token to the contract
constructor(ISuperfluid _host) {
host = _host;
owner = msg.sender;
acceptedSuperToken = IPureSuperToken(address(new PureSuperTokenProxy()));
"Mock Super Token",

/// @notice Creates or updates a vesting stream for a recipient
/// @param recipient The address that will receive the stream
/// @param flowRate The rate at which tokens will be streamed (tokens per second)
/// @dev Flow rate must be positive and contract must have sufficient balance
function setVesting(address recipient, int96 flowRate) public onlyOwner {
require(flowRate > 0, "Flow rate must be greater than 0");
require(acceptedSuperToken.balanceOf(address(this)) > 0, "Insufficient balance");
acceptedSuperToken.flow(recipient, flowRate);

The contract has two main methods:

  • constructor: Creates a new contract and with it it deploys a Mock Super Token with 1,000,000 units initial supply minted to the contract.
  • setVesting: Creates, updates or deletes a stream to the user with the specified flow rate, gated by the modifier onlyOwner.

Environment Setup and Deployment

Using Remix IDE

  1. Create Files:
  2. Compile: Select compiler version 0.8.20 or higher
  3. Deploy:
    • Select "Injected Provider - MetaMask"
    • Choose your network (make sure Superfluid supports it - check here)
    • Enter the Superfluid host address in the constructor (get it from the docs or from the explorer)
    • Click "Deploy"
Where can I get the Superfluid host address?

Make sure to use the correct Superfluid host address for your network. You can get the Superfluid host address from the docs or from the explorer.

Using the Contract

After deployment, interact with your contract in 3 different ways:

  1. Create Vesting:
    • Call setFlowRate(flowRate)
    • The flowRate is tokens per second (with 18 decimals)
    • Example:
      • For 1 token per month, use flowRate ≈ 380414535736
  2. Update Vesting:
    • Call setFlowRate(flowRate)
    • The flowRate is tokens per second (with 18 decimals)
    • Example:
      • For 1 token per week, use flowRate ≈ 1653439153439
  3. Delete Vesting:
    • Call setFlowRate(0)
How do I find the full list of methods for the SuperTokenV1Library?

You can find the full list of methods for the SuperTokenV1Library in the SuperTokenV1Library Technical Reference.

Testing Your Contract

As you can see in the repository, we have a test file that tests the contract. Here's a breakdown of the test file:

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT OR Apache-2.0
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;

import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {SuperfluidVesting} from "../src/SuperfluidVesting.sol";
import {SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer} from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/utils/SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer.t.sol";
import {SuperTokenV1Library, ISuperToken, ISuperfluid} from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/apps/SuperTokenV1Library.sol";
import { ERC1820RegistryCompiled } from "@superfluid-finance/ethereum-contracts/contracts/libs/ERC1820RegistryCompiled.sol";

contract SuperfluidVestingTest is Test {
SuperfluidVesting private vestingContract;
SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer.Framework private sf;
ISuperToken private acceptedSuperToken;
using SuperTokenV1Library for ISuperToken;

function setUp() public {
vm.etch(, ERC1820RegistryCompiled.bin);
SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer sfDeployer = new SuperfluidFrameworkDeployer();
sf = sfDeployer.getFramework();

vestingContract = new SuperfluidVesting(;
acceptedSuperToken = vestingContract.acceptedSuperToken();

function testVesting() public {
vestingContract.setVesting(address(this), 100000000);
uint256 flowRate = uint256(uint96(acceptedSuperToken.getFlowRate(address(vestingContract), address(this))));
assertEq(flowRate, uint256(100000000));


The test file does two main things:

  1. Setup (setUp function):

    • Deploys a local version of the Superfluid protocol for testing
    • Creates our SuperfluidBoilerplate contract
    • Deploys the Mock Super Token
  2. Vesting Test (testVesting function):

    • Creates a vesting stream with a flow rate of 100000000 wad/second
    • Verifies that the flow rate was set correctly

You can run these tests using the forge test command as shown in the setup instructions above.

Next Steps

Now that you understand the basics, you can:

  1. Explore Super Tokens:

  2. Build Smart Contracts:

  3. Build your client application: